Saturday, November 29, 2008

Local Cottage Industries

Silk worms starting the process.
The thread is ready to weave.
Lacquer-ware is often decorated with egg shells.
24 K. gold leaf is popular and adds more value to the craft.
A 300 year old Mahogany tree will make some beautiful furniture.
The hand crafting was amazing in teak.
With beautiful mother of pearl inlays.
Bosarng paper and umbrella factory.
Each umbrella frame was hand stitched together.
An amazing artist works on my tee shirt .
He produces a work of art on the front of it and was ecstatic when I gave him $10Cdn. They also painted Jan's skirt and the camera case.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Mr Ralph and Miss Janet,
Hope your long car trip went without any "misadventure" and you arrived at the hotel safely. We missed our friends for dinner last night but feasted up on asian fondue/steam boat....yumo! Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to you Mr Ralph, but we wish you both well and hope you enjoy the rest of your adventure.
Miss Dori and Mr David