Sunday, March 22, 2009

Felucca down the Nile

We had a choice between a Cruise ship or a Felucca. Which one to chose?
Captain "Bob" and crew cooked up great meals for us.
Many sights to see such as a old fashioned water wheel still widely used in Egypt.
The stops on the Islands were always interesting and beautiful. The quiet evenings were often interrupted by voices, dogs, trains, birds, horns, drums, music and prayers from the mosques.
You get to watch the farmer milk his cow; then sit and have tea with him! It was great even with the language barrier. They also grow a lot of melons and other crops on these Islands.
The other Feluccas joined up one evening and a great time was had by all around a big fire, drumming, dancing & singing.

1 comment:

Melanie Mehrer said...

Yay Faluka! Glad you went on one!