Wednesday, July 8, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things!

Austian apple strudel too good to pass up.
Salzburger Nockerlin a tasty souffle made with cranberries.
Now you have to admit that this is pretty cute!!! I still don't think my boys would approve of me buying a smart car. Hello Kitty is popular is almost every country (24) that we visited.
Salzburg had so many "Musical"spots that we enjoyed.
A complete store was full of eggs decorated for every occasion! This was one of 6 store front windows.
YUMMY soft and warm pretzels were served with lots of salt.
A bee or a hummingbird? Now that is a question. Sitting having cappuccinos, we watched for a long time.
The hills are full of mountain wild flowers.
This is a close to an Edelweiss as we could find. It isn't one but it is a reminder.

1 comment:

Melanie Mehrer said...

I vote hummingbird! We have been off the internet for quite a while! We head back to Turkey in ten days and counting! TIme for our adventure to end and to get back to watching yours!